Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The sun is shining and it's outdoor recess!  Hooray!

In reading today, I book talked some realistic fiction books.  Then students read to self or responded to reading on the blog.  I conferred with readers during this time.  I collected reading logs today as well.

In writing, we continued our work on our essays.  I conferred with some to help them through the process.  I will try to meet with everyone at least once.  We will start on the introduction and conclusion next week.

In science today, I checked all project questions and hypotheses.  We then went over the science scenarios that we worked on in class.  Students should have a good handle on these scenarios for the upcoming test.  We also started some more scenarios picking out the different parts of them.  The next step (Step 2) which includes a materials list and procedures is due November 17.