Friday, May 13, 2011


The MAP testing went off without a hitch today, thank goodness!  The students worked really hard and took the test very seriously.  Good for them!

In reading today, we did some lessons on using context clues to help us figure out the meanings of unknown words.  I started with an activity called Guess the Covered Word.  Then, I put up sentences on the overhead that had French words in them. Students guessed from the context what those words meant.  Finally, they worked on a sheet where they had to use the context clues themselves to figure the meanings of the unknown words.  The last thing that we did was to work in their Avi books finding unknown vocabulary and use the context clues to figure out the meanings.  Students are struggling with this so we will be doing more work next week on using context clues when we read.

In writing today, we worked on our descriptive pieces.  Second drafts were due today.  We will finalize them on Monday.

In science, 6S worked on their Paper Pet Projects.  I did lessons on genotypes and Punnett Squares.  Students are working on making the parent pets as well as determining the traits of the offspring.  This is an in-class project that will not go home.