Friday, May 20, 2011


We wrote in our writers' notebooks today to start the day.  5 pages is due Monday.  We, then, began to talk about the Expository Essay (World's Fair report).  Students will need to have a rough draft done by Wednesday of next week.  I will do a series of lessons on sentence fluency over the course of next week to help them through this essay.

In reading, we read our remainder of 60 minutes.  I have talked with the classes about fulfilling their 30 to 40 book goal by the end of the year.  I would like their blue sheets where they are recording finished books by no later than June 17.  Genre Pie is due by June 17 as well. These are major parts of their reading grades since they are projects that we've been working on all year long.

In science for 6S we did an activity called What are You Made of?  (See yesterday's blog for the explanation)  We continued our work on our Paper Pets.

Our day ended with an assembly in the gym.  Have a great weekend!