Friday, May 27, 2011

Bye Bye Stu!

We had our "So Long, Farewell, Good Luck" party for Stu today.  He has been fun to work with for me and I think the students enjoyed him as well.  We had cake (Thank you Moe Houx!) and chips with drinks.  It was a mellow party ending with us going outside to say "Good-bye and Good Luck!" 

In reading class, we began our read aloud Something Upstairs by Avi.  Students were each given a book with sticky notes and asked to keep track of their thoughts as I read.  Then, they transferred these thoughts onto Independent Reading Logs at the end of class.  We will do this each time we read this book aloud.  This is practicing our metacognitive skills that we've been learning about in class.

I hope you have a great long weekend!  Enjoy the summer weather!