Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Typical Tuesday

We are getting ready to begin 12 days of longer school.  Please remember that starting on Thursday, school will begin 15 minutes earlier and end 15 minutes later.

In reading today, I read a picture book called Teammates.  We discussed its theme.  Some students had heard the book before.  It is an informational book about Jackie Robinson.  Students were able to pick up on the message about racial prejudice in the book.  We finished up our lessons on point of view with a story that was written in the camera point of view.  We then went into Day 5 activities.  Respond to Reading is due tomorrow.

In writing, we shared our Burning Barn descriptions.  Then, we worked on an activity with verbs. Students worked in table groups to change the dull verbs in sentences to lively ones.  We then shared those at the end of class.

In 6S science, we finished the graphic organizer about the cell and its parts, their jobs and descriptions.  Next, we worked on determining who will bring what for the Edible Cell project.  Please ask your child about this and let me know if there is a problem with what he/she needs to bring.  6S will assemble the cakes on Tuesday of next week.