Monday, April 11, 2011

Cell Cake Day for 6F!

I'm sure your child will tell you the highlight of his/her day was science class. Today we got to assemble the cell cakes and EAT them!  Each group put their cakes together, shared what ingredient represented which organelle and then ate them.  Mrs. Christie's class even came over to share the sugar.  It was fun!  I'll post pictures after 6S's class tomorrow.  There will be a quiz on the parts of the cell Thursday for 6F and Friday for 6S.

In reading today, we continued our discussion about theme.  We read a picture book (a different one for each class) and then discussed its theme.  Students were encouraged to take parts of the book that lead them to the theme.  We then worked on Day Two activities in small groups.  I collected reading log #26 and handed out #27, due on Monday.

In writing, we talked about verbs.  In order to have good word choice, one must use appropriate verbs.  We discussed today the difference between linking and action verbs.  We also did some Word Ladders to practice vocabulary this morning.

We had 2 art classes and no health.  We also ended the day with Guided Study.