Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday and Friday

We have had 2 early release days this week so we've tried to balance the schedule over 2 days.  Yesterday, we kept our homerooms due to assemblies, specials, etc.  6F worked on narrowing down their topics for the persuasive essays by gathering facts about 2 different topics.  By looking at which topic has more facts, students needed to make a decision about what to write.  We will continue this work all of next week.

We had a juggling assembly and music for a special.  Students also had silent sustained reading.

Today, Mrs. Blinn came in for the morning and we switched for science and social studies.  In science, we finished taking notes on the different families on the Periodic Table of Elements.  Then, we played a game called "Name the Element" where they used dice to identify the atomic symbols.  This is practice for the Element Symbol quiz on Wednesday.

Have a fabulous weekend!