Monday, February 7, 2011

Here's Hoping for a Five Day Week!

Our day began with Mrs. Alibrandi talking to us about the Great Stone Face books this year.  There will be a different format in how the books will be read.  Instead of students giving up recess and lunch, the staff is going to be reading books during the Community Club block (Fridays at 2:05) in the future.  Students signed up for the books they would like to hear being read today.

In spelling today, we looked at the plural rules that we came up with last week.  Students had a list of words that they made plural based on these rules.  The words were nonsense words, but they used their knowledge of the plural rules to do this activity.  We went over this together.  Next, we did a Word Preview for unit 5 spelling.  I went over each word and its part(s) of speech.  Students are responsible for putting these words in sentences showing each part of speech.  For example, the first word is "train".  Students need to write a sentence using "train" as a noun and a second sentence using it as a verb.  This is due on Thursday.

In reading, we read a nonfiction article and wrote notes on Post-Its.  We then categorized these notes as "Very Important"; "Important but not Necessary"; or "Nice to Know".  We put our notes on a big poster-sized bulls-eye and went over them.  This activity is guiding them toward doing this on their own for homework as part of their reading log.

In science (6F), we watched a Power Point presentation on atomic structure.  Students took notes on this.  We then saw a clip of the elements in the Periodic Table of Elements.

We are ON for our trip to Harold Martin School tomorrow to work with the second graders!  Students should bring snow clothes.