Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday and Tuesday all in one!

I apologize for not updating yesterday.  It was one of those days!

Yesterday, 6F started the day with a lesson in evaluating websites and their credibility.  We will work more on this today.  We are getting ready to do some research for our persuasive essays.  Good stuff!

In reading today and yesterday, we are working on the Real Life Reading part of the reading nonfiction unit.  Students had experience on these days reading menus, maps, phone books, and food packages.  We will have a "spill over" day tomorrow to finish up any of these stations.  It has been insightful to watch students plow their way through each of these pieces of informational print.

In science, we watched a DVD about the Periodic Table of Elements.  Students learned more about how the table is organized and what the rows and columns mean.  I gave them focus questions to write notes on and we went over them at the end.