Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wacky Wednesday

We had a wacky Wednesday in 6F today! First of all, band was cancelled because Mr. Alberici was absent today. So, we ended up working on our social studies projects during this time.

In reading, we got book orders! I love book orders! These need to be back to me by April 23.
We also had a few book talks. I talked about the books in the book order that I've read or heard about. We will have a quiz on summarizing tomorrow. Log 26 is due on April 20.

We had some time in 6F to catch up during language arts. Students worked on the summarizing activity that we started yesterday. They put together all of the work on summarizing and passed it in. Next, we went over the Heredity Scavenger Hunt from science yesterday because we didn't finish it. Finally, students were given time to work on their social studies projects if they needed it.

In science, we started to read a book called My Grandfather's Nose and went over some key vocabulary words for the genetics unit. Students copied these words into their notebooks.

Math homework: Quiz on multiplying and dividing fractions on Wednesday
Social Studies: Current Event is due May 3; South America quiz April 21.