Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Go Red Sox!

Today, we started the day with spelling. Students worked on Word Ladders. This is an activity where they start with a word on the bottom of the ladder and work their way up the ladder by changing and adding or taking away letters from the original word. Each new word comes with a clue and a set of instructions for what to do. Students also cut out word cards and began to put homonyms on each card. This is for a future activity. I handed out Take Home Task 9 which is due Thursday.

In reading, we read aloud Jumanji, a picture book, by Chris VanAllsburg. In keeping with our summarizing skills, I asked students to summarize the book using one sentence and choosing words carefully. We looked at trying to get the summaries down to 28 words or less. I put an example of a 48 word summary and we looked at how to pare it down to the necessary words. Reading logs are due tomorrow. Book talks should be done by May 1.

In writing, we went over two things to revise our final drafts for: consistent verb tense and paragraphing. I introduced students to the Tip Top method for paragraphing. This is a cue to figure out when to change paragraphs. Ti stands for a change in time/ P is for a change in place/ To is a change in topic and the other P is for a change in a person talking. Students reread their pieces to revise for these two things. Final drafts are due Friday.

Finally in science with 6S, we reviewed for the quiz on cell parts for Wednesday. If students go to they can find pictures of animal cells and plant cells to help them label and study.