Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Name that Tune!

We had a musical day today in 6F. We started in writing with listening to a variety of different songs to illustrate voice in music. Students wrote what came to their minds while listening to the songs and what they visualized. We ended with a discussion of what makes music different and how that works in writing. Cool stuff!

In 6S reading, we listened to two book talks and read aloud. I showed students the rubric that I will use to score their summaries for the quiz on Thursday. Also, they practiced writing a one sentence summary one last time with a short story. Finally, they put together all of the work we've done with main idea and summarizing and passed it in for a grade! I collected log 25 and handed out log 26, due April 20. Those who need to prepare a book talk, should do so for their designated due date.

In 6F reading, we did many book talks and read aloud. This class did not get to finish their summary of the short story. We will work on that tomorrow. Same homework applies.

6F science worked on the Heredity Scavenger Hunt during class and we went over it. I also played songs about DNA, viruses and bacteria.