Monday, March 21, 2011


Once again, I realized that an entire day went by and I forgot to update my blog.  My apologies!  Time lately has been escaping me!

Really quickly, Friday we spent reading class talking about plot and what it is.  We discussed the parts of the plot: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.  We read about these in the Write Source books and I played a song (a rap one!) that talked about these parts.   Plot will be the focus of this week's lessons and small group work.

In writing, we did a pre-test involving language arts skills.  We will use the results of this test to place students in groups for the Friday morning WIN block.

In science, we took another pre-test, so to speak on what is made of cells.  The discussion when we went over this was quite fruitful.  Cells and heredity is our new unit.

Today, Monday, we were a bit distracted by the snow but made it through the day!

In writing, we did a pre-prompt activity to start our unit on descriptive writing.  Students chose from a series of 6 prompts to complete during class.  I will use the results of these to structure my lessons for this unit.  Students need to work on these for homework if they did not finish.

In reading, we read aloud and began our work with plot in small groups.  I collected log 23 and passed out log 24 which is due on Monday.

During science (6F), we looked at the 7 characteristics of living things on the computer and took notes on that.  Then, we tested our knowledge with an on-line quiz together.

C-Time is tomorrow - March 22