Monday, January 10, 2011


This morning, we wrote in our writers' notebooks to start the day.  I discussed the "3 pages a week" assignment, its purpose and some logistical things about it, mainly, not waiting until Thursday to  complete it.  We then did a lesson on "filler" in our writing.  I showed an example of text that had filler and how much better it sounded without it.  Students then worked in small groups to try to delete filler from their own writing. 

In reading, we wrapped up our peer pressure unit with a test.  Students passed in their books and updated their Books Read sheet.  After the test, students silent read.

In spelling, we split into three groups, each doing a separate activity.  Mrs. Nadeau took one group, Mrs. DiPastina another and I took the last. 

In science, we began talking about density.  We did some activities involving measuring density with graduated cylinders and triple beam balances.