Monday, May 10, 2010

It's Just Another Manic Monday

We came in this morning and went directly to the library to use the computers and laptops. Due to MAP testing, we had to switch the schedule so that we could work on our published pieces. Students typed and conferenced on their pieces. We will continue this tomorrow. I'm hoping to wrap the pieces up this week.

After the library, we got our spelling tests back and added words to our Words to Learn lists. A Word Preview for Unit 10 was next on the list followed by a game of "Go Figure". In this game, a student thinks of a word (usually 4 letters, sometimes more) and the class tries to guess what it is. The student writes the guess on the board and lets us know how many letters are correct and in the correct sequence. We make our next guess based on that information. This game resembles "Mastermind" if you are familiar with that. There is a spelling assignment due on Thursday: Unit 10 Take Home Task.

In reading today, we read aloud, did some book talks and went over tips for reading a food label. Students are keeping notes on these tips so that they can make a guidebook for each piece of reading we've done. Reading log 27 is due May 11. All students are required to have Genre Bingo by June 16.

Science class started with a Warm Up genetic scenario that each student solved in their notebooks. This is to reinforce the concepts that we are learning about in class and for me to see who is not "catching on". We also worked on our Paper Pet Projects. I am expecting 6S to present their projects Thursday and 6F to present theirs on Friday. We will have a test on genetics next week.