Thursday, April 14, 2011


In writing, we had some quality time with our writers' notebooks this morning.  Students have 5 pages due on Monday.  We went over our work with action and linking verbs.  Students then had a chance to practice writing a description of a picture prompt. 

I read aloud the short story "Eleven" which is the story that we took a pretest on to begin our unit on Story Elements.  I went over all of the story elements of this story. Students will be taking a test tomorrow to end this unit.  We then continued with Day 5 activities.  Respond to Reading about theme is due tomorrow.

In science, we took a quiz on the cell parts and then did a scavenger hunt with our textbooks to begin the Heredity part of this unit.

We had our Student Council rep. share the news about next week's spirit week.  Monday is "Movie Day"; Tuesday is "Crazy Hair/Hat" day; Wednesday is "Red Carpet" Day; Thursday is "Sports" Day; and Friday is "Twin/Multiplicity" Day.   Please remember the dress code when dressing for these days.

Permission slips for the movie African Cats went home yesterday.  Please send them back as soon as possible.  There is no cost for this trip.  I'm also sending home a permission slip for us to go to HMS for our second grade buddies on  Thursday of next week.  There is no cost for this trip either.  Thank you!