Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Last Full Week

Monday and Tuesday seem like whirlwinds! Kids are frantically trying to get last minute work done. I collected portfolios today. Some students are still not done. I had a lot of visitors at recess today! We are working on Wordless Picture books, portfolio finalizations, Avi response papers and in science, a solid, liquid and gas properties Venn Diagram. Tomorrow is the last day for book talks and genre bingos are due tomorrow. There are still a few kids out there that need to complete this.

Both classes visited Math Mall today. We also had the middle school chorus give a beautiful concert.

Field Day has been rescheduled until Thursday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Our trip to Red River is on Tuesday. Portfolio Share and Avi Book Clubs are Monday.

There is a quiz in social studies tomorrow.